Feb 28, Mar 1, 2

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Jean Houston, PhD

Hail to The Hamazons, to my mind the finest and funniest improvisational troupe I have ever seen. Rarely has genius and guffaws been so brilliantly brought together. Wildly original and alarmingly accurate, they are a force of nature, rebel angels who reveal the hilarious truths of the human condition.
Author, philosopher and founder of the International Institute for Social Artistry

Joshua Heuertz

It is a performance rare in it’s design, never to be exactly recreated, and takes stage to a lively, different, and interactive place. None of that matters without the fact that The Hamazons are fantastic… When The Hamazons perform it is not a performance. It’s an event.
Ashland Daily Tidings

Kathy Balint

Thank you so much for coming to perform at our annual Volunteer Party last week. You were fantastic! Each year we hold this event to thank and recognize our volunteers and we provide some form of entertainment. We thought it would be fun to do something different this year and provide some comedy, and you were perfect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen our volunteers laugh so hard.
Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater

Jane Stromberg

The comedy offered by The Hamazons is something special. Working from a creed that holds humor to be sacred, the group does not include profanity, graphic sexuality, violence or ridicule in their material… The Hamazons and their audiences [fit] one another like hand in glove
Ashland Daily Tidings

Nancy Golden

Current pop culture to the contrary, The Hamazons succeed because they meet two of our deepest needs — the need to laugh and the need to live with each other in kindness and respect… For The Hamazons, performing is a high-risk adventure backed by a loving mission. For their audience, the show is a happy, no-risk place to play
W3 Magazine

Richard Moeschl

In improvisational comedy, you never know where you’re going to end up. That’s part of the magic that brings audiences together. They want the people on stage to succeed. Since neither the audience nor The Hamazons know what’s going to happen, staying connected becomes critical. For The Hamazons, that offers a perfect model for staying connected in the midst of the uncertainty of today’s world
Mail Tribune


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